Honestly now
2004-02-14 20:49:51 ET

Somebody come kidnap me (preferably female) please I will be your slave forever! I want outta here. Ummmmm I have candy

2004-02-14 21:04:43 ET

Uhh.. i have a truck and duct tape. 2 diff colours even.. does that count?

2004-02-14 21:05:56 ET

oh yea! what colors?

2004-02-14 21:06:35 ET

silver and red. and electrical tape too.

2004-02-14 21:07:59 ET

electrical tape can be bad...

red is good, yea ill be waiting =) anywhere would be cooler than here

2004-02-14 21:09:01 ET

though, i must warn arizona sucks

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