2002-06-16 16:45:50 ET

You are 50% evil! [?]

You? Evil? Half way there! You're 50%, meaning you can't always be trusted...well, half of the time! You're the perfect balance between good and evil, but being that much evil isn't always good...

Take the The "What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?" Quiz!
by antiperfect

What do you think?

2002-06-16 18:21:59 ET

Take the The "What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?" Quiz!
by antiperfect

2002-06-16 18:41:01 ET

You are 30% evil! [?]

You're still on the good side of 50%, but you're gaining on it. You're not as good as you should be, but you're good ALMOST all of the time. There's only an occasional time when evil takes over you, but when it does...

2002-06-16 18:41:31 ET

actually I think I am more bad than evil...hmmm

2002-06-16 23:12:28 ET

He he... fun...

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