2003-05-10 10:57:42 ET

Quoting song "It makes me mad, cause I wanna be happy, it makes me mad, cause I want to be happy so bad"

So mus depression.. fuckingdammitshitalltohell..

2003-05-10 13:04:49 ET

I wish I could give that to you

2003-05-11 13:06:40 ET

Thank you.. that makes me feel a little better accually

2003-05-11 17:27:08 ET

I'm glad :)

2003-05-12 08:07:31 ET

:) thank you.. you are one person i am glad to hear from.

2003-05-12 11:33:17 ET

:-D To make someone a little happier even for a momment is worth it.

2003-05-13 10:52:25 ET

Well thank you still.. i do feel better.. getting ajob and moving out.. eep

2003-05-13 12:47:49 ET

uh oh, movin out to the big time! Good luck deary!

I wish I was in a position that I could move out.

2003-05-13 14:17:50 ET

THank you.. I have to move out.. its required ..

2003-05-13 14:19:51 ET


2003-05-14 12:13:56 ET


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