2005-01-19 16:52:10 ET

I just bought myself some super-bomb-smelling oils from this place called Shades of Africa. My god, I cannot tell you how good it smells! It's kinda musky, a subtle touch of sweetness mixed with a patchulli-esqe body, but not totally skunky. The smell reminds me of a forest green. Now I wanna cozy-up with some candles and some weed and read a book, which I think I shall do!

I'm so fucking happy to finally have a great smell to wear!!!

2005-01-19 16:59:15 ET

you envision yourself to be the super human skunk?

2005-01-21 10:17:22 ET

I'd very-much like to be a straight-up skunk, but being a human skunk is no bueno. Smelling like a skunk can be beneficial if you're in the wilderness.

I hate camping. It's dirty and your resources are limited. Mainly, it's dirty. And I'm not gonna use one of those portable shower bag things. I don't want everyone to look at my wienee when cold water is being poured all over my naked and feeble body.

I'm fucking thirsty. I hate thinking of camping.

2005-01-22 13:52:52 ET

damn, was wondering if you're gonna go with me.

2005-01-24 08:43:09 ET

I'll still go, and I won't bitch. And I'll have tons of fun. Last time I went camping, I had a fuckload of fun! It was in this area called Joshua Tree (in the Mojave desert) and it had a plentitude of enourmous, smooth rocks to climb on. Like, sky-scrapper high. I love climbing!

Okay, I take it back. If camping involves a lot of climbing and heights (and not a lot of cold or dehydration), and/or Antony, then I'm all about it.

2005-01-25 14:28:45 ET

I don't know if anyone cares, but I've been wearing this new scent for a couple of days and have asked people what they think. The results have been mediocre at best. I think that maybe I should go back to the shop where I bought the oil and ask if the lady can smell me all over and see if she can figure something out. I'll tell her I'll make it worth your while.

2005-01-25 16:15:11 ET

Then if she says it smells less than mediocore, you can ask for a refund

2005-02-04 16:41:31 ET


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