Oh my holler.
2008-04-07 18:05:42 ET

Of coarse, I am going to start off this entry with me being surprised at how long it has been since my last update. Not a great deal has changed. I am still with Kelli. I am crazy about her, I am having second thoughts here and there, but nothing lingering. She sometimes lacks the maturity that I have grown to expect from her. I always forget she is 17. Also she was not taking her thyroid medication, which makes her god damned crazy. On another note, the weather is getting nicer, and I'm able to ride more, which is always great! Getting more successful at work, and far less at school. I really need a break from school for a while. Take a year off, get myself out of debt, and just live life again! I am getting over the drama and bullshit of Denver, and starting to feel like this is home again. Trying to get a new place with some friends soon, hopefully that will work out, living alone is too god damned expensive for me!
SOUND: Nothing
EDIT: I've started shaving my head at least once a week. I love it! I wish there was still a working class skin movement in Denver!

2008-04-08 19:33:51 ET

theres a skin movement here in cali haha, everyone is bald.

by the way a few of my friends made a trip up to denver to fight like hells last show..wonder if you were there...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

2008-04-09 03:31:23 ET

i was sir, RAGing for that whole show, Lose none set it the fuck off!

2008-04-09 16:14:15 ET

:] sounds like g3wd times

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