New Drawing
2006-09-04 07:48:25 ET

I was pleased with myself after I drew this for I have not drawn anything of note since about Feb if I am correct.
I drew this as a gift for Lucifer, as she has been so down lately due to her marital problems(they have since decided to try to work things out yet again, so I am rooting for them.) She loved the piccie so much she put it on her Myspace which certainly gave me a sense of pride, I am just glad she liked it so much.
What I like about it: Most everything, I normally hate profile shots but this one turned out nicely.
What I hate about it: Most everything, strictly because doing the 'hawk and the tattered top took waaayyy too much time, argh, what I put up with for that girl... ~_^
Comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated in fact so fire away!

2006-09-04 12:28:06 ET

Very nice.

2006-09-04 12:28:36 ET

That's really good!

2006-09-04 19:51:34 ET

Holy crap, you a fuckin talented!

2006-09-04 20:05:31 ET

Thank you for the compliments all! <3

2006-09-06 08:47:55 ET


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