the letter.
2006-10-02 03:12:28 ET

So i was sick.
then i got cori sick.
then i got better.
then i saw cori.
and cori re-sicked me.
saturday was a fantastic night.
the pills tori and i digested made us feel sleepy and dizzy.
Cori and Carl thought it best to drink but tori and I just stuck with the OC.
Best part of the evening?
Coris dad listening to this mix he made for himself, he played it full blast in coris living room and the ending song was some nickelback song.
So cori and i were walking out of his room to tell his dad to please turn it down because it was so loud and a very sleepy 340AM, and he was sitting there like crying to nickelback while de-boning a chicken.

2006-10-02 06:10:53 ET

totally wish you could have caught that on tape!

2006-10-02 07:59:22 ET

ps - did ya ever finish that t-cooch tattoo?

2006-10-04 03:02:04 ET

noooo. my dad found all of them. bad summer man. bad summer.

2006-10-06 08:35:55 ET

oh shit girl. that sucks.

2006-10-09 03:07:58 ET

shoooo does.

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