2009-04-26 20:01:56 ET


zombie walk was alright.woulda been better w/out the drunk mum and dumb boyfriend.

a good friend of mine has finally gone clear off the deep end.
like,stalking people with semi-automatic rifles deep end.


2009-04-27 17:16:48 ET

who's stalking people.

2009-04-28 22:45:49 ET

who do you think?
david.he tazerd his 13 yr. old girlfriend twice.then went to her school on a sunday to try to make back up w her,got into a fight,left and came back w a semi-auto rifle.then he compleatly dissapeared(sp?) for 3 days.

2009-04-29 13:58:45 ET

what the hell? and is she really 13?

2009-04-30 18:54:38 ET

yea.he's not rocking the cradle he's tazering it.

2009-04-30 20:13:24 ET


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