2004-01-22 08:23:05 ET

Hello world. I'm still me.

2004-01-22 08:24:38 ET

YAY! Cause if you weren't you...I would be confused!

2004-01-22 08:28:01 ET

yes indeed! i was happy to note that as well

2004-01-22 08:29:55 ET


2004-01-22 08:37:02 ET

Well, good. You'd better still be you. ;)

2004-01-22 08:37:27 ET

Sometimes I'm not so sure of myself.

2004-01-22 08:41:15 ET

...or is it...you could be an alien body snatcher just pretending to be Adam...the aliens want your body.

2004-01-22 08:42:41 ET

the aliens? are you by chance an alien?

2004-01-22 08:43:49 ET

ugh...lol. Everyone is an alien!

2004-01-22 08:44:45 ET

so everyone wants my body? somehow I still don't 'feel' the love

2004-01-22 08:47:16 ET

I don't think there's enough to you to go around, luv. ;)

2004-01-22 08:49:48 ET

You'd be surprised. (and god dammit I'll try!)

2004-01-22 08:51:33 ET


2004-01-22 09:20:40 ET

there is plenty of Adam.

2004-01-22 09:23:22 ET

I thought you were someone else!! ;)

2004-01-22 10:40:19 ET

Fooled you GOOD!

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