2005-02-21 20:01:46 ET

It’s been long since didn’t show up here. It’s just that sometimes I’m too busy, others I’m not in the mood or too tired, apathy mostly, maybe depressed too, whatever the pessimist mood it may be.
  • I don’t feel like I’m doing very well at school, it’s my fault I know; maybe I’m not made to completely be an engineer. While there are some subject I do enjoy and like learning more about its math equations, there are some other that I don’t understand quite well, and also some teacher, yes, I admit on saying that every time bad teachers like them give horrible classes I fucking wish they died in front of me, bah, I know you’re not supposed to wish someone’s death, but heh I’m a fuck up, I’ve wished deaths and so much anger since long ago so I don’t care.
  • It does amazes me that just two days ago I was told that another cousin is going to be a dad; he got pregnant his girlfriend. Damn he’s just 18 years old. About 2 or 3 years ago another cousin also did the same and had to marry at his 18 years old. Now this other cousin, also at the same age, we don’t know yet if he’s getting marry or what. It amazes me, how just about 2 years ago I still used to go to his house to play videogames, and now he’s going to be a father; how quick they grow up.

    Damn shaving razors, it’s easier to get cut when you don’t want to. Hah.

  • 2005-02-22 08:54:36 ET

    It's nice to hear from you again. :)

    2005-02-24 19:41:30 ET

    oh, heh, thanks, I'll try to keep writing more often; it's just that I've been quite busy lately.

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