Why am I here? I don't fit anywhere.
2005-03-12 22:37:33 ET

I’m a student, I’m always craving to learn something I like.
I’m constantly depressed, or I’m either way apathetic.
I don’t find amusing many things most of people do.
I normally wear black clothes.
I don’t believe in god or any religion.
I’m not attractive, I’m not amusing, I don’t know how to please someone or how to make someone like me.
I don’t have any really close friends; I don’t have enemies either really.
I normally like music most of people don’t know much of.
I think I’m agoraphobic; I really start to get obnoxious around a crowd.
I’m not very attached to animals, I don’t find amusing having pets. Only once started to like a cat but that’s all.
I’ve wished death to some people and don’t regret it.
I wish I had a partner... I’m terribly shy, and boring; I never know what to say.
I’m constantly indecisive, always answering back “I don’t know”.
I don’t like watching my face.
I don’t like patriotism it’s ridiculous to be judged by your nationality.
I found really stupid being vegetarian by the sole reason because “it’s bad eating animals”.
I’m such a dreamer, always imaging stuff, imaging that I was successful at something.
I like mathematics, drawing, painting, music.
I’m such a fool. I can’t speak to a girl without getting nervous. I’m so shy, stupid, boring or either someone else gets in the way.
I might have a romanticist, noble, gentle personality sometimes, and others I’m a cheap vulgar coldhearted insane scumbag.
I’m always afraid of saying something wrong or afraid of hurting someone, mainly that's why I'm so quiet and shy.
I don’t believe in any supernatural bullshit or spirituality stuff.
Sometimes I wish I died right way, sometimes I wish I could live long just to keep learning more stuff.
I’m fucking tired; as by described above I don’t have much qualities to be liked for.

2005-03-13 07:56:33 ET

Allow me to copy and paste your statements that also apply to me:

I’m a student, I’m always craving to learn something I like.
I’m constantly depressed, or I’m either way apathetic.
I normally wear black clothes.
I’m not attractive, I’m not amusing, I don’t know how to please someone or how to make someone like me.
I normally like music most of people don’t know much of.
I think I’m agoraphobic; I really start to get obnoxious around a crowd.
I’ve wished death to some people and don’t regret it.
I wish I had a partner... I’m terribly shy, and boring; I never know what to say.
I’m constantly indecisive, always answering back “I don’t know”.
I don’t like watching my face.
I don’t like patriotism it’s ridiculous to be judged by your nationality.
I found really stupid being vegetarian by the sole reason because “it’s bad eating animals”.
I’m such a dreamer, always imaging stuff, imaging that I was successful at something.
I like mathematics, drawing, painting, music.
I’m such a fool. I can’t speak to a (guy) without getting nervous. I’m so shy, stupid, boring or either someone else gets in the way.
I might have a romanticist, noble, gentle personality sometimes, and others I’m a cheap vulgar coldhearted insane scumbag.
I’m always afraid of saying something wrong or afraid of hurting someone, mainly that's why I'm so quiet and shy.
Sometimes I wish I died right way, sometimes I wish I could live long just to keep learning more stuff.

See? We're really not that different. I know it's hard, but if you give people a chance, you're more likely to find people that are similar.


2005-03-14 11:27:46 ET

To find similar people? mmh... miles away though.
Well, *hugs back* thanks. It's just that sometimes, somethings put me really down like this.

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