2013-11-30 13:01:55 ET

How was everyone's?

You know you're an animal nurse when you're injecting the turkey with a 3cc 18g syringe every hour with juice.

But holy frijoles was that the juiciest turkey I have ever tasted.

2013-11-30 17:31:56 ET

Did you brine it as well? I've yet to cook a turkey. Probably one of the few things I haven't made.

2013-12-01 23:04:58 ET

One should always brine.

Alton Brown's "good eats turkey" recipe is amazing.

2014-10-24 03:19:53 ET

Erm, dunno if you'll log onto SK anytime soon, but hello, haha @_@. Weird how life happens--I'm trying for a vet degree too now. Hope you're doing well.

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