2011-08-17 19:42:34 ET

So I have been completely useless and forgot that this place even exsisted. Most of my weeks have been rather dark, not much to look forward to. No new jobs and nothing really changing on the relationship front. Thought I had a girlfriend until she was taken from me, or left of her own volition, not really sure which. Not sure I really care.

Any who, thought I would try and see if I could continue my education in something I like. So I looked around for a game design or game development course. The only people who responded to me was Full Sail down in Florida. I have been mulling it over and getting as much information as I can about the school. They recomended that I go straight into the masters program for game development, basically to become a game producer. Unfortunately this means that I have to go down to Florida for a year. A place that I have no friends or connections. Still more thinking to do on that.

I have been reading the Mercy Thompson novels. They are about werewolves and vampires and other such folklore. they are a good easy read and have renewed some confidence in the fact that I can at least read a book that does not have pretty pictures.

Also, paid off my capital one total hassle card earlier in the year. Was a nice feeling that even if I get no help from my folks I seem to manage my money a bit better then them. That being said i hear food is a cool thing to have, i will have to see what that is all about.

Again sorry I have neglected the SK for so long. Forgive me ohh great SK.

2011-08-18 11:14:26 ET

2011-08-18 13:26:12 ET

Bitches be crazy.

2011-08-18 20:32:41 ET

pro picture is pro =^.^=

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