Robot & Frank...    2012-09-02 18:20:00 ET
Saw "Robot & Frank" today, it was really good, and quite hilarious, I highly recommend it. Go check it out if it it playing in your area, It is worth it.

 Total Recall v2.0    2012-08-07 19:53:26 ET
I saw it yesterday. Total let-down. Don't waste your money, because it was done right the first time, and done well. If you must go see it, wait until its on DVD.

 Yetserday.    2012-07-31 16:37:24 ET
I turned 32. Had a great time at the Sunset Tavern in Ballard,where I saw some goth cover band,and had alot of drinks, and a good time with friends. I also saw "The Dark Night Rises" at the Sundance theater. It was a good birthday.

 enjoying.    2012-07-17 19:10:49 ET
a peaceful evening. its nice...

 Taking a Trip    2012-06-21 20:43:03 ET
Going to Montana on Saturday for a week. Should be fun. Front row seat to the edge of the world. (:

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