Ah, Blah
2008-08-24 06:12:50 ET

Alot has happened since I last updated.

-Grandmother passed away: my aunts fucked me and my brother out of the will.
-My dog of 15 years passed away: I am currently waiting for the ashes since i had him cremated.
-Slight depression has kicked in from me doing NOTHING!
-I have a new obsession with LUSH products!

I have taken up knitting, and taught myself to do it. Matt has learned too, so as I make him a scarf for our February trip to South Carolina to visit my aunt, he makes a little scarf for Chloe.

I am 26 weeks. and still tiny.

and, midwife appointment on tuesday!
how is everyone doing?

2008-08-24 09:55:21 ET

aww sweet baby belly.

2008-08-26 17:15:49 ET

I'm doing just delicious

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