A lonely saturday night
2005-11-20 07:24:13 ET

For a while now i been feeling lonely and friendless, also i been talking to a chick online as a friend she is cool we have so much in common. She is bi and confused so we talk bout that alot. We share pics and i showed her one of my bro. She fell in love with him. my bro and i went to meet her in her area. i was kinda odd man out at some points. We went into the mall and my brother and her started getting really touchy. We went to the park she grabed his hand and ran into a very dark area. I was left alone while my future nieces and nephews were being digested, used as facial cream and many other things that i was told. I was freezing my ass off while waiting and feeling that i needed some "loving" myself but thats a whole new other entry. They like each other alot so im happy and i might actually have a real friend that i can actually possibly hang out with. I just hope that if they break up i might actually lose a cool person.

2005-11-20 14:57:34 ET

maybe this is the wrong time to point this out and it has pretty much nothing to do with your post, but you are a natural writer lol "I was left alone while my future nieces and nephews were being digested, used as facial cream" how morbidly excellent : )

2005-11-28 17:58:50 ET

lmao cool thanx

2005-11-28 19:39:57 ET

haha anytime

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