bored like usual
2006-04-27 01:07:31 ET

Well hmm lets see...I been bored lately so i have decided to want to dread my hairI'm still questioning it and yes i am half other news kala and I have been talking alot as days go by more and more she reminds me of krys this is kala she is really cute *smiles big* still wondering and scared as shit

2006-04-27 07:12:26 ET

A) Hair looks good
B) She is cute
C) The kid is adorable

2006-04-27 17:09:26 ET

Lol thanks I been wondering about my hair for the longest and yeah she is cute omg lol thats her nephew seven she loves him like she gave birth to him

2006-04-27 20:38:23 ET

you welcome :D

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