i awake...
2002-04-19 12:18:12 ET

i awoke from a seriously disturbing dream last night...i was in a car, (a small car like a dodge omni) driving on the highway, and a truck merged into the side of it, basically throwing it off the highway, rolling it through the median and into oncoming traffic on the opposing side of the highway...the car landed on its wheels, the driver though badly injured was able to drive the vehicle off the side of the higway in time...(strange yet), then i realize where we are...only miles from my grandparents house...there are people injured in the car, for some reason i decide to go to my grandparents house (a farm), instead of wait with the injured for help...i run...i arrive...hundreds of people are there, milling about, and its hard to get from room to room, eventually i run into my grandmother...and she starts acting very strangely, some how i am able to know that my grandmother is very lonely and unhappy with her life...i sense death around her...i have to wander off...in another room i find christa the first grrl i ever dated in highschool, a very intelligent sophmore who just wants something out of me i can't give...she is much different in the room, she lays on the bed and looks very very sick...she too looks like she is going to die soon, suddenly i become aware that everyone crowded into the house is going to die or has died recently...my cousin who was killed in a head on crash is there...only he's years younger like when i first met him, not like how he was when he died...i become very afraid...does this mean i am going to die soon? i run out of the farmer house, into the small circluar drive like area that all the barns and silo's face...with the well in the middle...i stand at the well...its dark, but there are no stars, there fog out amongst the corn, something is watching me, i fight the urge to run back to the farm house...i somehow know that some unimaginable evil is watching me, waiting for me to move away from the well, maybe past a corner in which to ambush me from...i'm locked into the center of the drive...it becomes cold...everything seems purplish..and cold light blue...i wake up...

anyways...whatever that means...

2002-04-20 18:22:17 ET

i love dreams, their so wierd and cool..

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