i'm starting to ...
2002-04-21 03:09:17 ET

get back logged on projects for local bands, i have 3 cd covers and some fliers to do, not to mention my own stuff...i think i need to find some other artists to halpe me out....

i just got off work a couple minutes ago...i work basically security at an art musuem third shift...its great and it sucks...like all jobs...i guess thats why its called work and not "happy jumpy fun time"...i work with four other people and we have all sorts of schedules and duties and patrols and blah blah blah...but i can put up with because i always get time alone with the art...in the dark...which is great...art is better by flashlight i swear....i've worked there long enough i basically make sure shit gets done then do some of it myself and sit in the control room and read books on zen...not bad...bills all my bills so i can't complain...sometimes i can get some writing in too..

and they let me get away with tattoo's and piercings...mostly due to it being a third shift job... all third shift people are crazy...all of them... i have yet to run across some one working nights who wasn't totally off there rocker... i blame it on art bell... its his fault...


2002-04-21 03:12:08 ET

i really should re-read my entry's before i post them...oh well half asleep here...

2002-04-21 03:45:34 ET

I, actually, am Wiccan, so the analogy wouldn't apply to my views at all. It was an analysis of the intended message, which I thought was impressive.

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