2003-06-07 22:10:08 ET

playing paintball as a zen activity...


peter didn't get to shoot enough people today...

yes yes i know, no one really gets this sport, or understands it unless they actually play it, and even in the beginning they usually don't understand it, but its actually a really involved game of chess, with projectiles...its kind of like pool and geometry to...at least at its roots...but the beginning and end of it...the core of the sport...is your marker...or gun...there are four types of guns, cheap crap, entry level blowbacks, mid level guns and tournament machines...and since its a shooting sport of sorts these guns are usually no matter how cheap, upgraded and tricked out by there owners...

me i shoot a black autococker upgraded to be a passable tourney gun...i use nitro in a small carbon fiber wrapped high pressure tank and use a 100 loader thats the best on the market...yet i have to tweak my gun about once a month with a new part or a bit of work, slowly building it into a great machine...its an expensive sport...considering i have no issues burning through a case of paint in half a day of practice, thats 50 bucks of paint...but oh well...today i upgraded my trigger system to a double trigger, a trigger long enough that it is pulled with the first and middle finger, and a lot less trigger pull is needed...making for faster shooting...i shoot about 10 balls a second with it...

today i got to play with the instagators in a practice...the level of play that tournament teams bring at each other is very intense, no game lasts over 5 minutes...and usually the most heat in the game is at the very beginning...its amazingly fast, and my gun was constantly fucking up due to the my new trigger, (needs tweaked)....

needless to say i am agrrivated....shooting people is so cathartic...especially when you shoot them in the head, and the paint sprays off of them...today was horrible, no rythem no concentration...nothing...i sucked...

2003-06-07 22:44:13 ET

i've been thinking about starting paintball

2003-06-08 00:08:14 ET

its fun...expensive...but fun...

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