alittle drunk..
2006-05-20 22:02:56 ET

sooooo..i;m alittle drunk. my uncle and i drank and played egyptian rat screw moost of the nigh. i got my ass handed to me. lol.

tomorrow, justin is coming to get me after work, i'll probably be at his place until thursday, maybe even friday. but probably thurday. should be fun, as always.

i just got off the phone with him, its 3am. lol.

after this beer, i think its time fore me to hit the hay, lol.

2006-05-20 22:16:11 ET

played egyptian rat screw sounds like an interesting game
ya things stopped moving

good night

2006-05-21 10:08:06 ET

its a very interesting game and easy to learn and play. its a card game.

you have a good week!

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