I'm back...
2003-01-08 14:08:49 ET

I would;ve been online sooner, but our phone got disconnected for about 4 days and just got hooked back up yesterday. Today I'm sick. It sux, oh well. I had a nice time with AJ over my x-mas break.I started getting really bored though. I don't like school, but in an odd why I'm glad to be back. I can keep my days straight and I'm back to a routine. yup yup. I missed you all.
I'm wondering....Has Cyndi Lou gotten my letter yet??....hmmmm damn postal service!

2003-01-08 14:11:22 ET


I hope that answers your question :)

2003-01-08 14:14:31 ET

damn it! That sux about the condoms. Pieces of shit postal workers!

2003-01-08 14:16:02 ET

hehehe tis ok :)

2003-01-08 14:17:13 ET


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