2003-11-05 18:31:10 ET

it just came to my attention:

I have an 'I SAW U' this week!

*taken from the Mercury*

"Circuit Bender @ Wacky Willy's

You: hoTTT Circuit Bender with mohawked son buying electro-bits. Me: dark haired artist using electro-bits for their unintended purpose. Combine super powers? "

I Love my Heather...

2003-11-05 18:41:08 ET


2003-11-05 21:13:20 ET

I wrote one for a girl last week and never got a response : (

but then I talked to her friend on Tuesday and she said that I "have" to call her, or better "go see her in the office".

so that is what I will do tomorrow.

2003-11-05 21:28:36 ET

i havent been single in 5 years...i forgot what it feels like...

2003-11-06 16:36:53 ET

how are things going w/your girlie? i wish i could have met her when i was back home in August.

2003-11-06 17:45:16 ET

Going Great~!
She's in Boston this week, so to see the "I Saw You" when she's gone is just sweeter!

2003-11-07 11:15:50 ET

Woah, I dunno if we have those in our part of the country - that sounds kinda fun

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