House colours....
2006-03-06 22:13:43 ET

Been doing research in my spare time. Collecting about 500 or so pics of remodeled and professionally painted Victorian houses(*not the painted ladies of Frisco fame!)And I have come to the conclusion, that I will probaly. When I get to that stage. Paint the house in mottled subdued colours!!! Reading various articles from worldwide historical societies, and books galore. Many authors have shown dismay at the use of vibrant and semi pastel colours. That's good. Cause there's no fucking way, my casa is going to be painted in pastel colours!!!

-- Lighter coloured Victorian houses were more widely seen in country settings, to disern them from the terrain. Complete white houses with monochrome trim were more widely seen after World War 1.

--Subdued colours were used in rural and city areas due to the high content of ash from wood and coal burning of that time period.I guess it showed less on darker subdued colours?!

--The most popular colours for the main body of a house were...
Indian red(redish brown)
Mineral green(like an olive drab, but more brown then grey)
Van Dyke brown(a chocolate like brown with ocre thrown in.)
Ocre(A putrid sickly yellowish mottled green)
Burnt sienna(rusty brown)
Sepia(yellowish brown. like old photos)

--Popular trim colours are as follows....
Blue black(nuff said!)
Golden rod(a rich golden rusty yellow)
Prussian blue(Almost a navy blue with more black.)
Dull red
Brown madder
Citrine(green orange)
Burnt umber(reddish orange)
Venitian red
Van Dyke brown(see above)
Bright red
Gamborge(brownish black, with a hint of white.)
Green(blue-black & yellow oche)
Stone yellow(greyish yellow)

--Wood trim colours. Having all natural wood is pretty much a 20th century thing! Most was painted to hide the wood joints, and imperfections of building materials!

Common wood(interior trim) paint colours for the period are.....

Pale stone grey
Peacock blue(prussian blue &yellow ochre with a hint of black)
Burnt sienna & yellow ochre mixed with a hint of white
Greenish drab(with a hint of vermillion)
Venetian red(with a hint of vermillion)
Light drab green
Cobolt(with a tinge of black)
Van dyke brown(with a hint of citrine or grey).

So many subdued colours. So little time!

2006-03-07 14:07:47 ET


Personally, I like dark blues and greens on Victorian houses.

Wait...I just like Victorian houses in general! :)

I'd go with blues.

2006-03-12 01:06:10 ET

you know, a lot of people think pastel when they think victorian, but the nineteenth century was the advent of aniline dyes, and three of the most popular clothing colors were magenta, cyan, and yellow. yeah, just like on cereal boxes.

you should check out heritage lost for some beautifully photographed--now destroyed--victorians.

2006-03-12 14:27:06 ET

Love the avatar. The rabbits in my yard approve!

The pastel ones are okay. Just not my thing.Quite a few of the Victorian paint recipes call for white leaded paint. White lead was also the chief primer used, besides petrolum.

2006-03-12 14:29:42 ET

I love the dark blues with the white trim.

2006-03-12 21:57:32 ET

i prefer my facepaint to be lead-based.

2006-03-13 12:28:09 ET

So why don't we all go Roman style? And eat off of lead mixed plates and goblets:P

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