I need help
2003-04-23 14:12:49 ET

Okay so I have not posted in god knows how long man. I just had my baby girl and started back to work and now the only thing I have been able to do is just make it day to day with out pulling out my hair. No work is cool having the lil one is all good( sleeping only 4 hours a night now that I could drop) Thing is I have a weight issue which I have always had but now I want my hoochie clothes back and I am tired of always wearing my husbands clothes I want to feel sexy again not blah. So any tips on losing weight fast I have 10lbs to drop which doesnt sound like much but hey look at the gallery I dont exactly leave much room in my clothes for extra storage LOL

Good to be back!!!
Going to check on some SK buddies *S*

2003-04-23 14:20:27 ET

aw congrads on the baby girl!

i want kids so bad.....

2003-04-23 14:24:12 ET

yeah I have a 10 yr old boy 5 yr old boy and now a 2 month old*S* I had my first baby when I was 15 but it is all good. I am still with my first and only boyfriend which is now my husband of 12 years *S*

2003-04-23 14:25:30 ET

aw, that is so awesome about marrying your first and only boyfriend. i was i could say the same. i'm on number 9 right now... *eep*. but i think #9 is gonna be here for awhile.

2003-04-23 14:30:19 ET

sweet at least you have experience ya know *S* Never have to say hmmm I wonder ?????

2003-04-23 14:32:25 ET

yeah but dang..... 9?!


2003-04-24 06:59:56 ET

congrats sweets! I just posted a recipe for veggie pasta sauce if interested. above all, get as much rest as you can!

2003-05-01 18:33:53 ET

hey girly just thought i would respond to this cuz well im bored and although i tell you like everyday, you look fine to have just had a baby!! no need to stress over the weight =p anyway i need to take some more pics of that cute lil girl ofyours withmy cam so you can put her on sk and show her off =D

2003-05-02 03:08:15 ET

heh-absolutely! pics are good :D

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