Praise be to the Air Conditioner!
2002-07-02 12:11:33 ET

It is HOT out. Stepping outside is like suddenly drowning in a hot tub. The humidity and smog don't lessen this feeling any.
I think I will take myself for ice cream after work - then go home and perhaps start packing some stuff away for my move later this summer. It will happen in the next couple of months (if I actually get around to finding a friend is being SLOOOOOOOOW about speaking with his landlord about the apartment upstairs from him, in a very convenient location) and that time will go by sooner than I think.

2002-07-02 12:20:01 ET

My friend used to be an admin for Bell Canada. I'm not sure what department, but she was in charge of tracking down offenders. She had to call mafiaboy on the phone a couple times (she said he's a little prick). The child porn shit got to her, though, and she quit. Anyway, just figured I'd say hi to an admin.

2002-07-02 12:22:57 ET

conditioning is bad. do not be conditioned... or betty crockered.

2002-07-02 15:22:10 ET

tel, toronto is a chemical bath in the summer.

i am really pretty glad i live out north of the city at this particular moment.

2002-07-04 17:06:25 ET


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