5:15 The Angels Have Gone
2004-03-18 07:39:48 ET

Just wanna share the lyrics to one of my favourite db songs

I'm changing trains
This little town
Let me down
This foreign rain
Brings me down

Train overdue
Angels have gone
No ticket
I'm jumping tracks
I'm changing towns
We never talk anymore
Forever I will adore you

All of my life
Angels have gone
I'm changing trains
Angels like them
Thin on the ground
All of my life
All legs and wings
Strange sandy eyes

Train overdue
Angels have gone
We never talk anymore
Forever I will adore you
Cold station
All of my life
Forever I'm out here forever

2004-03-18 07:43:53 ET

That's so sad.. but so lovely too. :\

2004-03-18 07:55:56 ET

I know, but the tune is really good. It has a nice, relaxed drum part.
Bowie's still one of my favourite artists. I think he still has it.

2004-03-18 07:58:37 ET

Oh, undoubtedly. I don't think that someone that gifted could ever truly 'lose' it.

2004-03-18 15:42:57 ET

More lyrics, but this time by Paul Weller. Different subject altogether.

All Good Books

If Jesus could hear us now
bending all his words
of which he's proud
but the carpenter was only
making invitations
voicing the opinions of others

sending down a word
that travels well
only as a vessel
as a bell
and the violence you've mistaken
in the words you took to be taken
and the images of hatred
against all that we're worth
all that you love
all that you give
all we hold dear

If Mohammed could see us now
shaking down the walls
but not as prayer
and the power games that play out
and the lies that come within out
against all we are worth
all we hold dear
all that is true
all that we love
all we dream of
all that you give

2004-03-18 15:59:04 ET


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