So it begins...
2004-06-15 15:58:21 ET

I'm starting packing today.
I'm not sure I'm emotionally prepared for this.
As much as I want to move in with theGirl, I'm not sure I want to leave here. And after I leave, I can never come back to this home. This house will go to someone else, with its memories, my memories, locked in its walls.

I grew up here. Came home at late hours here. Partied here. Had my triumphs and my downfalls here.

You can make many different places into a home. But the memories you put into that home, they get locked there.

To never return to a "home" can be upsetting.

I'm not sure how I'll take this.

2004-06-15 16:16:59 ET

good luck with the move...I hope everything goes well and that you will make many wonderful new memories in your new house with your lady :)

2004-06-15 17:27:29 ET

I imagine as you pack up things from your life and your past that many old memories will resurfce.

Enjoy them, though leaving the physical place will be sad, its allowing you to relive the memories you had there.

Have fun making more enjoyable memories!

2004-06-16 14:51:23 ET


Change is always weird, but you're moving into a new life journey.. time to make new memories, and make your own "home".

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