2002-10-06 10:22:55 ET

|jumps out of seat|

oh my gosh.

drew makes me swOOn sooo much.

and i talked to ricky last night.

and justin called me.

oh how i love my boys. i could not og on without there comfort.

anyone else who had boifriends and no grrlfirends completely understands.


p.s i am goin to suprize visit drew . oh i could not love anyone but him.

2002-10-06 13:24:13 ET

i completely understand.

2002-10-06 14:00:58 ET

i knew you whud.

oh my i need to learn how to put my sk friendz on my bio.

like links.

2002-10-06 16:19:26 ET

just do this: (a href ="insert sk name here")insert link name here(/a) ..... only instead of the parentheses use these brackets. < >

2002-10-06 17:36:46 ET

grrl from yuma

2002-10-06 17:37:36 ET

oh my gawd.

many people have tried to ex[plain and you have succeded in the first try.

I <3 you.

wooo hoooooooooooooo

2002-10-06 17:52:44 ET

hahaha, woohoo! i feel special :)

2002-10-06 17:54:23 ET

you are my dear.

and imma put that on your link title.


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