What the blue sky had to offer me today.
2004-02-05 15:17:04 ET

Two days ago during the rain storm one of my turtles made a break for it. Cheeky little bugger. He is found now and I am happy.

A guy in one of my classes offered to sell me his drafting table for $20. I almost said yes at that moment. I don't think I have room to put it anywhere. So when My roommate arrives home I will discuss it with her. Just think.. a drafting table of my very own *stary eyes*

In my lighting class two people moved out of their normal seats to sit by me. This bit of information may sound rather inconsequential but on most days I don't talk to anyone. One wanted to read all the buttons on my satchel and the other was interested in how I felt about politics living in a society that was trying to stop all deviations from the "Norm". In another class someone asked if I wanted to be master electrition for the show he was designing. I couldn't because I am involved in another show that conflicts.

All in all it has been a day of happy occurences that have seem to drop out of nowhere.

2004-02-05 20:43:48 ET

Not that I NEED to warn you, but watch out for people who are too eager to talk about society and deviations. There's anger there that can turn into something ugly. :)

2004-02-05 20:46:32 ET

Yeah. I've seen it. I think I have even been that angry person once in a while. I am not too worried, he was just asking me my opinion. I didn't give him one though cause class started.

2004-02-05 20:50:13 ET

I KNOW I'm that angry person. That's the part of me I'm currently battling to let go of. It's difficult, isn't it?

2004-02-05 20:52:52 ET

yeah because my tendencey is to laps into apathy as a balm for the anger. Neither are a good place to sit.

2004-02-05 20:54:27 ET

Wow. It's amazing to hear from someone who has the same experiences I do with depression and what not. As soon as my situations become to much for my weak mind, I begin to feel extremely apathetic. As a matter of fact there's boy #2 who is currently experiencing the butt end of my apathy as we speak. :(

2004-02-05 20:58:51 ET

Wow are you my twin? There is a friend who want to be more than my friend but I can't make myself start the game all over again...

2004-02-05 21:02:58 ET

My problem is that I've already started the game. God I hate those words. I swore I would never play "the game" ever again. But here I am. He's sexy, sweet and sooooo anamored of me. But all I can do is bury my head in his chest and avoid too much eye contact or conversation. I feel so incredibly numb right now.

2004-02-05 21:04:36 ET

yeah. it all sucks. that's why I don't talk to people. this is why I was suprised that people wanted to talk to me today.

2004-02-05 21:07:01 ET

Well, when you're extraordinary or at the least very attractive, you're going to get attention no matter what. Even the most cantankerous people make plain people curious.

2004-02-05 21:10:34 ET

I don't consider myself any of the above. If it has to be out of the ordinary I suppose that it is my purple hair.

2004-02-05 21:50:51 ET

Well, I have good taste and I think you're pretty. :)

2004-02-07 21:59:45 ET

In my lighting class two people moved out of their normal seats to sit by me. This bit of information may sound rather inconsequential but on most days I don't talk to anyone. One wanted to read all the buttons on my satchel and the other was interested in how I felt about politics living in a society that was trying to stop all deviations from the "Norm".

It's odd how if you are even a little bit "different," disaffected people tend to flock towards you and become really curious about your style and tastes in everything. It's a little uncomfortable sometimes.

2004-02-07 22:03:52 ET

Yes. It's unnerving. It makes me wonder what I did to attract attention.

2004-02-08 14:45:33 ET

The abnormal have a different vibe than the norm. It's not your clothing or jewelry or make up. These things do not make up a person. It just so happens that most eccentric or vibrant people express themselves with these types of accessories.

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