Once again around the dance floor
2004-02-26 17:00:32 ET

So my declaration stating my eternal single hood has lasted, oh about four weeks. He is someone I had met at my church, his phone call, however came out of the blue. When he picked me up to take me to dinner he had brought me a wire sculpture of a backpack he had made for me. Did I mention that he is an artist and crazy amazingly talented? He showed up the next night at my dance class. We spent the day after that playing with paint. And well, I have seen him everyday since.
I have never been very good at relationships. The beginning part that so many people love, never sits well with me. So I am at this moment, really happy, but really frightened.

2004-02-26 18:16:22 ET

what happens happens. Enjoy what you can when you can. The rest will follow.

: )

2004-02-26 21:09:09 ET

I would have to say I absolutely despise the beginning of a relationship. It's awkward and unsettling. You're afraid to say the wrong thing, not enough or too much. You don't know for sure if they feel the way you do or you feel the way they do. On the other hand sex with a new love is awe inspiring and mostly incredible if you're having it. :)

2004-02-27 18:58:14 ET

congratumalations on that one. here's hoping it doesn't end in disaster (i don't want to be too positive, cuz it creeps me out when people say, "here's to forever" or whatever to me, cuz that's a lot of pressure).

2004-02-28 13:05:27 ET


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