2004-06-21 15:54:40 ET

So I am still alive if anyone was wondering. I got really busy and then left town. I home, suprise guests have left and now I am attempting to put my life back in order. I have decided to start with cleaning my room.

2004-06-21 15:57:27 ET

so, will you be free now that it's summer?

2004-06-21 16:01:58 ET

somewhat. I hope. I have picked up full time hours at work and I have two designs that I am working on for the fall semester. But the next two months won't be anything like the last two months.

2004-06-21 16:05:45 ET

I was the same way when Warped and Chas left my house this summer. Before they got here I was having my kitchen remodelled too, so it was a major mess! It's nice to see you on again. Welcome back, Kelly. Oh, hey, I may have a reason to visit San Diego within the next few months. Maybe I can look you up and we can have dinner? I'd be bringing my favorite boy with me.

2004-06-21 16:11:30 ET

I would be so excited if you came to visit me. Kage is welcome as well.

2004-06-21 16:28:48 ET

Yay! I think in a month or so is when we'll be down there. Maybe sooner if we go somewhere fun down there. Hey, maybe you'll just have to come with. I'm sure you know great hang outs there in San Diego.

2004-06-21 16:33:09 ET

well it's only a couple of hours away. Just come visit me for no reason and we'll find something fun.

2004-06-21 16:59:51 ET

I'm home now too and I'm going to start with cleaning my shop.

2004-06-21 17:08:03 ET

Yay! I will be sure to do that as soon as I get over this hump of having waaaay too many things to do. Eep!

2004-06-21 17:14:03 ET

Andy, I am glad you are home safe.

April, don't try to do tooo much. it's not fun. I know I just got over that.

2004-06-21 20:10:50 ET

I'm quite uptight. Thank you for the reminder to relax. ;)

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