I am sick
2006-05-01 06:55:27 ET

The new stuff the Doctor has me on is horrible. It's an anti-inflamatory sort of stuff to kill the out of wack bacteria that is raging a misguided war in my body. It is in the form of a powder that I make a thinckened liquid from. They call it a shake. no matter how much juice or fruit I put with it, it is a thickened liquid very hard to drink. I choke one of these down every morning and night. A few times it has made me nausous. I am still nausous from the one last night. I am suppose to make myself another before I leave for school in a half hour. My worry is what if it's not the shake that is making me sick? I didn't get sick until five or six hours after drinking it last night. I am going to go mix juice with some mineral water. Hopefully it will settle my stomache.

Update: I locked my keys in my car. took me a half hour of searching the house to figure out they just might not be in the house. I never made it to school. So I called the Doctor. The nutritionist said my symptoms are from the toxins being delt with with the shake stuff. she's cut down my dosage and is having my drink lemon water. I feel better. My husband will be home soon with his key to my car. I am going to go nap now.

2006-05-04 08:09:22 ET

dear gods, woman. what the hell do they have you taking?

2006-05-04 16:04:20 ET

Something called Ultra inflam x. It is for cleaning out toxins and bacteria that has gotten out of control. The whole thing is really not fun. I have another few days on it as only once a day and then I try to up my dose again.

2006-05-04 16:36:51 ET

I wonder if you'd do better with bentonite. hm.

2006-05-05 05:43:16 ET

I have never heard of bentonite. Goggling came up with some sort of drilling aid. that sounds frightinng ;)

2006-05-05 09:17:07 ET


Bentonite is purified volcanic rock/ash. It's generally suspended in distilled water and ingested a couple of times per day, as a cleansing agent: used to treat candida and other bacterial infections. What it does is draw all the toxins out of your body.


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