2004-08-20 13:41:43 ET

Matt, I am so sorry for not meeting you yesterday! I had to go to my mothers office and then I had to go get my little sister from school because my other sister couldn't do it. Please forgive me. I really need to stop doing this don't I? I don't mean to. Have you done your etymology yet? I haven't. I am about to though. I write back again later. promise. It may not be until Monday, but I will write to you. have to go now. love ya bunches of bannanas ( don't ask, I made that up long long ago. ) and I will see you on Monday and I'll call you tonight.

Bah. And I wandered up and down that campus looking for her. Oh well, I kinda figured she wasn't there on the first run-through. This is becoming a regular occurrence! Meep. poor poooooooooooooooooor me! Teehee

2004-08-20 13:58:13 ET

"love ya bunches of bannanas"... I say that!

2004-08-20 14:00:08 ET

I thought that was rather cute actually. Hehe

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