I think I'm losing my mind
2003-01-15 12:41:58 ET

Yes, like the title says. I'm tired all the time now, depressed, and I never get hungry. Extremely moody lately. I screamed at my grandmother because she wanted me to eat before taking the Christmas tree down, and I felt just like setting the sandwich I was eating on the floor and taking the tree down. Before that, I was in a " I hate the world, kill kill kill" mood. Which scares me at times, since I'm always such a non violent person. And I'm usually not gothy depressed like either. I wonder what could be wrong with me ?


I'm so tired.. cold.. hungry.. My tooth hurts, and I have a headache.. pain go away! uhnnnn......dfdsfdsf

2003-01-15 21:52:30 ET

if you need to talk, you know where to find me :)

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