wilted orange slope
2006-10-01 19:46:01 ET

there's a very good interview with peter christopherson here. Holy shit, how quickly i was reminded that i can't listen to the ape of naples.
yearly patterns... i used to sing myself to sleep last year, rocking and sobbing, humming cold cell. the mufthalle version with the barely intelligible rambling. only one person has seen me do it, i can't say anything of it. horrible. it's getting that time, the days are getting shorter. hopefully i can tastefully walk away from last year's darker months and just put it all behind me. i need closure. from what, i can't say. i just don't want to fall back.
enough dwelling. leaves and pumpkins and crisp air. the sound of the air, and the smell! it just takes discipline.

fuck you.

2006-10-12 17:19:38 ET

no. fuck you.

2006-10-13 17:15:05 ET

well, you're quite welcome!

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