where's waldo?
2002-12-27 20:20:30 ET

dude, like, this fifteenth century painter is totally ripping off the two towers:

(props to my friend rroseselavyoui for showing me this picture)

2002-12-27 20:29:07 ET

*doesn;t see anything at all relating to anything in lotr*


except fighting

2002-12-27 20:39:21 ET

i think it's the fantastic landscaping and ominous sky. and fighting too, yes!

2002-12-27 21:35:24 ET

i saw LOTR 1 for the first time last night

who wants to go with me to see 2?

2002-12-27 21:44:17 ET

i do raine. i want izzy to come too!
let's all plot.

2002-12-29 05:50:45 ET

it must be meant to be because instead of seeing LOTR2 last night we ended up just dicking around and eating sushi.

you guys are coming down the 30th, right... RIGHT?

2002-12-29 12:16:04 ET


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