The only thing i've yet to still enjoy after writing a lengthy paper about it
2003-04-07 19:47:42 ET

Titian, The Rape Of Europa
Oil on canvas , 1559-62
Depiction of the tale by OVID (J!)
"The most important painting in the world"
- peter paul reubens

I can sleep at night with the comfort of knowing that it hangs 200 feet away from my building, in the best little museum in the world.

2003-04-07 19:48:52 ET

you should steal it.

2003-04-07 20:37:17 ET

Yeah... that would be fun. You could pull a Bruce Willis "Hawk" kind of deal.

When you snatch it away I would like to see it. I hate having to stand 2 feet away from the paintings in the museums.

2003-04-07 21:51:49 ET

Ahhhh Titian...
Emphasis on the TiT
...and of course Reubens thought he was the shit. He fucking bit his style all the way around the block; fucker.

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