2009-07-28 13:30:33 ET

I am replacing popcorn and chip with blue berries

2009-07-29 09:44:24 ET

im replacing carbs with walking hehe

2009-07-30 15:28:54 ET

yeah, i'm trying to incorporate Dr. Oz's anti-aging checklist. and the "8 foods you should eat everyday" list

I'm failing on the beans and the yogurt and only getting whole oat bagels but otherwise i think i'm pretty on point, failing on the exercise too lol

2009-07-31 12:43:37 ET

lol its hard to get yourself to workout regularly, usually once i am its like clockwork and im doing great, but i havent exercised in forever hehe so this week has been tough. Im doing medifast. I did it 3 years ago, did awesome and then fell off the wagon horribly lol. this time im seeing it all the way through. i lost nearly 60 lbs last time on it. but didnt keep it off because i went back to old habits.

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