isn't kudos a candy bar?
2004-02-09 11:27:36 ET

what a day, what a day

anyway, friday, i hung out with chrissie and kathy at the mountain. then went bar hopping (with the TM crew) in soho until very late. came home and passed out.
dropped off my tax forms to the accountant. we'll see what happens. -crosses fingers-

saturday night was the usual debauchery at batcave. it was kaliss's birthday so i hung out with him and the NJ crew for most of the night. got a ride home from joe and listened to tunes until i passed out.

sunday was a mixture of napping and sitting online. my PS2 is mysteriously not working. gah! went to bed super early to rest up for work.

the symbiotic remix of the life cried single 'stale' rips. kudos to jarv and chris. we got offered a gig for contempt live on march 23rd. we may or may not be doing it...based on jarv and kaliss' schedules. a good day to all of my SK peeps.

2004-02-09 12:17:44 ET

I demand you fix your PS2 immediately.
How else am I going to get my PS2 fix?!?%!#!#

I'm going to end this income tax farce.

2004-02-09 12:25:17 ET

can't get a new one until the tax issue resolves itself. and i'm sure it would be cheaper than actually fixing my old one

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