2002-09-30 10:44:10 ET

syracuse was fun. also: 6 blocks in syracuse is not the same as 6 blocks in nyc. took me an hour to walk both ways. i was almost assaulted by a skunk of all things. appartly, the sk.net party was a huge success. i am sorry that i missed it. seabound is playing this saturday at batcave so i'll be there to check it out. i am crazy tired. got about a total of 6 hours sleep in two nights. and didn't get much last night either. too old for this shit. everyone have a fine week...i am out.

2002-09-30 11:47:21 ET

We missed you at the party!
I was only there for an hour or two, but it
was well fun.
Hope you had a good weekend... I'm tired and sunburnt from
Block Island. Oy...

2002-09-30 11:57:44 ET

yea, the weekend was good...exhausting but good. i hope yours was as well :D anyway, i hope you are recoverin nicely. have a great week!!!!!!!

2002-09-30 12:21:27 ET

I'll probably end up at Seabound show, too ...

2002-09-30 12:22:27 ET

good good. i'll see you there! peace!

2002-09-30 12:23:51 ET

I know, feel lucky, too! This totally goesagainst my morals of banning future pop shows.

2002-09-30 12:27:36 ET

i am the luckiest man alive

2002-09-30 16:17:06 ET

we put your pic on my wall so you were there...

2002-09-30 16:29:19 ET

yay! i was there in spirit! missed you guys!!!!

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