*three plus four*
2004-02-06 08:20:09 ET

last night, i had the swell company of ms. inthia and of ms. marie. we went out to dinner at fred's. which was a nice experience till our waitress got all uppity about us leaving. which was really disappointing considering that i frequent fred's and didn't take their service staff to be like that. oh well. one bad apple will not ruin the whole bunch.

my room is at the point where with anything that i attempt to do it just becomes more of a mess. and it just seems like now nothing is getting done. i did however pick out the paint colours for my wall. i'm really excited about it. i will be doing all acsessories to my room in black with green accents. it is going to be a super highclass joint once i get done.

tonight i am going to go see linkin park in concert. which i'm kinda excited about. i'm not familar with most of their stuff and only can recall knowing two of their songs. i'm not one to pass up a show, however. ( a certain amazingly fun night at david cassidy, comes to mind.)

i've a bit of cleaning to do, some ferrets to bother, and some stuff to pack.

2004-02-06 09:38:02 ET

clean rooms are over-rated.

2004-02-07 01:14:25 ET

psh. my room won't be over rated. i'm trying to get it to some level of being able to maintain.

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