what you really need is some advice.
2004-02-11 08:21:11 ET

my advice to the world.

let's be honest with ourselves. its a good place to start.

take one day at a time.

at some point you'll have to compromise.

get use to rejection, it's gonna happen a whole lot. now, don't take this and start freaking out about yourself. (although your ass is getting kinda big. .... i kid.) everyone gets rejected. the skinny weird ass super models.. they get it too. note: let's say i've been interested in 25 guys. i've dated 5. 3 of those, i have had a relationship with. do you see the numbers? they aren't that great. and currently only one has lasted a full year. and as time goes on, those numbers will get worse. so chances aren't that great. which brings me to my next point.

things don't last forever. everything at some point reaches its end. so enjoy this while you can. or be happy in the fact at some point this will be over.

know your standards. you know how far up you can go. now, it doesn't hurt to always try for the best, but fucking a- i don't want to hear about you not getting it, cause we already know your numbers. but, suprises do happen.

and we can tell if you've worn that outfit twice. we know.

if you've got some advice toss it into the comments i'll edit it in.

learn to laugh at yourself. because if you can't laugh at yourself, who CAN you laugh at?

don't spend valuable time feeling sorry for yourself.

keep your word, people will respect you for you, not what you look like.

2004-02-11 08:39:16 ET

learn to laugh at yourself. because if you can't laugh at yourself, who CAN you laugh at?

2004-02-11 09:01:20 ET

don't spend valuable time feeling sorry for yourself.

2004-02-11 12:39:04 ET

keep your word, people will respect you for you, not what you look like.

2004-02-11 14:06:00 ET

jesus woman. can't you yell this at me on the phone evertime i called you? it would make me love you infinatly more.

2004-02-11 17:30:16 ET

i felt that a sly posting in my journal would help. ha. no, i just thought it was something that needed to be said. my help to the world.

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