2004-02-18 17:32:06 ET

i was super productive. went to the dentist. i've got four more appointments set up cause of this visit. :/ boo. at least the gay fillings from before will be pretty and white. your grandmothers china is going in my mouth.

so i also had school. yay! advanced black and white looks promising. and on top of it i dediced to take another class. so i am now taking 15 units. cause i'm crazy. wooooo. so yeah. but it'll rock. i'm excited.

i installed my bathroom cabinet into my wall. \m/ fear me. got all of my school stuff up to school. i now have a corner locker. booya. i've been super productive with my room.

and i'm making knitting needles. cause i fucking rock.

now to get with the needles so i can knit my cell phone a cozy.


2004-02-18 17:38:14 ET

gay fillings? like they're redecorating your mouth?

2004-02-18 17:48:29 ET

a cell phone cozy?!? omg thats adorable, lol.

2004-02-18 17:53:13 ET

ahhh the dentist...you go once & you'll be in there every month for the next five years.

2004-02-18 18:03:42 ET

sinsation. they are. redocrating my mouth with silver.

jolie: let me get the hang of it. and i'll kick one over to you for the price of your first born. or the cost of the yarn. (it can be in any color you want,, :D)

twilight: no kidding. i was like yay. a cleaning. but its turned into something that is soo much more commitment than i wanted. >:|

2004-02-18 18:38:47 ET

oh sweet jesus, you can have my first born for a cozy :)

2004-02-18 20:05:24 ET

I should kick some yarn your way. I have a TON. I want a cozy! I would make it myself, but I'm terrible at most things home ec..

2004-02-19 05:31:02 ET

mismonster: bring it on. you know the court dropping off wasn't a bad thing. cause you were super upbeat. i think you were being rewarded money.. for something totally random. like back child support but not.

2004-02-19 19:39:06 ET

Oooooo SWEET! I like free money ^_^

2004-02-21 20:40:30 ET

*pouts* cell phone cozies make me all warm and fuzzy!!! <3

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