2004-04-21 20:09:18 ET

Recommend to me...
1. A Book:
2. A Movie:
3. A Band, Song, and/or Album:
4. A Website:

What I really need is the book part. I need to pick up some books.

2004-04-21 20:13:20 ET

book: a brief history of time by stephen hawking
movie: leon the professional
band: bright eyes (probably won't like them, just what im listening to right now)
website: i dunno i only go to a select few

2004-04-21 20:13:52 ET

enternal sunshine of the spotless mind
naive melody* talking heads
um.. chess.com!?

2004-04-21 20:14:09 ET

1. stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers (nonfic by mary roach)
2. der golem
3. la guns or goblin
4. www.crimelibrary.com

2004-04-21 20:29:25 ET

1. We Got The Neutron Bomb: THe Untold Story of LA Punk
2. Time Bandits
3. Anthony Rother - Sex With Machines
4. Convert apples to oranges

2004-04-21 20:52:07 ET

1) Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges (or any good collection of his stories)
2) Breathless (the one by Godard, not the remake with Richard Gear :S)
3) Steve Reich, "Reich: Triple Quartet, Music for a Large Ensemble, Electric Guitar Phase"
4) a cinema revival house

PS Cremaster 3 is playing at the New Beverly (#4) next month. If you like movies and surrealism don't miss it!

2004-04-21 21:18:14 ET

1. The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac
2. Sleuth
3. The Blank Generation (album) - Richard Hell and the Voidoids
4. http://www.ohblabla.net/ROCKNY-Home.asp

2004-04-21 23:17:40 ET

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Boondock Saints
(if you haven't seen it, if you have you've more than likly seen it too many times.)

Fantomas The Director's Cut


2004-04-22 02:28:34 ET

1. A Book: Scanner Darkly/ Philip K Dick
2. A Movie: Toxic Avenger
3. A Band, Song, and/or Album: Vitalic
4. A Website: www.e-thug.net ;)

2004-04-22 14:14:47 ET

1. Less Than Zero - Bret Easton Ellis (or) American Gothic by Dennis Johnson
2. Rivers Edge
3. Elbow - Little Beast (the latter being the song)
4. http://www.thedreamingeye.com/mainmenu.html

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