2003-11-10 16:20:52 ET

the searing blade cuts into my supple flesh sending shockwaves of pain to my brain. I pull the razor away from my skin examining the results. A nice clean little line is formed. Rinse repeat. There are two. Together looking like I won fight with some wild animal, escaping with two cuts on the left side of my chest.
I now have nifty scars
pics soon
4 on left arm
2 on top left breast

2003-11-10 16:24:58 ET

weirdo. hehe.

2003-11-10 16:29:31 ET

no i'm cool
your weird for not liking pain
jeese, ben, don't you know anything?

2003-11-10 16:39:06 ET

i know you're damned sexy! yeah, that's about it.

2003-11-10 16:56:57 ET

lol. i like biting.
i usually don't bite hard enough to draw blood or break the skin.
at least i don't think so. ;)

2003-11-10 17:05:01 ET

my god thats hot

2003-11-12 09:37:35 ET

If you want to add a new dimension and ensure good scarring, get a stiff wire and a blowtorch.

I'm sure you can figure out what to do from there. ;)

2003-11-12 10:12:54 ET

I have a blowtorch too, for no apparent reason...

2003-11-12 11:16:29 ET

just make sure that if you do it...you WANT them to be there 10-15 years later almost as vivid as when you first made them.

Trust me on this.

good thing I still want mine...even been thinking of getting them redone professionally...

2003-11-12 11:55:08 ET

yes i will....right now I am focusing on tiny things...so I won't regret them and they won't prevent me from getting jobs etc.
But when I do get my big one(or do it myself) I will do that

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