2003-02-16 18:03:47 ET

last night between the time she was in my lap and the time I went to bed my cat ran away.

I know my mom had to have let her out when she came home because that was the only time the door was open.

But of course its my fault. why? because I didnt tell anyone that she was missing until 4 this afternoon. I didnt fucking know she was gone until 1:30 and I spent an hour looking for her then remembered the last time the dog was missing my mom had her, which is the only reason I called. so now Im in trouble(again) for something that was never my fault (again)

edit: after almost 24 hours without my kitten Im gonna cry.

2003-02-16 18:13:09 ET

i r sorry

2003-02-16 18:51:41 ET

I hope she comes back soon. If she's not used to going out, one thing you can do is scatter her litter in a few different directions from the house for several meters- it's easier for them to catch their own scent to find their way back that way.

2003-02-16 19:04:13 ET

Ill try that:) thanks.

2003-02-16 19:06:20 ET

good luck. :)

2003-02-17 05:55:53 ET


2003-02-17 06:54:54 ET

:'( shes still gone!!!!!!! I need my kitty. ask anyone, shes the coolest fucking cat ever.

2003-02-17 09:06:12 ET

none of your pets has

" 2003-02-16 23:51:41

I hope she comes back soon. If she's not used to going out, one thing you can do is scatter her litter in a few different directions from the house for several meters- it's easier for them to catch their own scent to find their way back that way.

calliope 2003-02-17 00:04:13

Ill try that:) thanks "

2003-02-17 09:07:58 ET

... the litter she pees in...

2003-02-17 09:11:19 ET

as in KITTY litter...ahhh

see, i was thinking baby litter cause they call it a litter with the tiny kittens, see

2003-02-17 09:13:09 ET

I understand...its ok now.

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