2003-01-04 13:37:18 ET

new years has a horrible horrible nightmare....

never again...no more kissing guys because 20 min later they will be making out with someone horribly awful that wrecks your self esteem...i hate them for the most part. the only execption in brandon. i miss him a lot. nobody compares to him.

damn the fat goth girl in the thrift store prom dress.

2003-01-04 14:30:36 ET

20 minutes later he is kissing someone else?!!?!

I think you are just kissing the wrong guys!

2003-01-04 17:35:30 ET

i think i just have horrible horrible luck and am cursed...but who knows.

2003-01-04 19:29:41 ET

i didnt even get kissed...

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