Entry #1
2002-10-19 16:41:17 ET

There is nothing much to report from today. I'm struggling to finish my Toulouse Lautrec book but the temptation of Lolita is urging me to pick it up. So many found things on Ebay but no money to buy any of it. I still need to put photos in the new frames i bought and somewhat clean my room.

2002-10-19 16:45:35 ET

Welcome to SK.

If you need any help, go here.

2002-10-19 16:51:05 ET

Welcome to SK!

I'm also from the DC area. Woodbridge, VA to be exact, and...yeah.

2002-10-19 16:56:34 ET


2002-10-19 16:59:55 ET

nice kozik picture as your avatar

2002-10-19 17:06:49 ET

Lolita is brutally good. I think I read it overnight, or maybe over a weekend. Kind of want to read it again now that you mention it.

Also, welcome.

2002-10-19 17:22:07 ET

Welcome to SK

2002-10-19 18:11:35 ET

welcome and i also like the kozik avatar, i have a shirt of the same pic;)

2002-10-19 19:12:07 ET

yay! I'm glad you made it on here

2002-10-20 14:48:15 ET

Hi I'm Adrian... Enjoy your stay at Sk! that rhymes... :D

2002-10-21 13:23:52 ET

Sorry I'm late, welcome to SK. Feel free to PM me anytime, uhh read my journal, there's so much drama you feel like your in a god damn soap opera.

2002-10-21 22:32:04 ET


2002-10-21 22:35:56 ET

ohh a fellow bathroom dweller

2002-10-21 22:44:56 ET

/agree with bumpy.. lolita is an amazing book ;) and welcome and all that jazz

2002-10-21 22:45:27 ET


2002-10-21 23:37:30 ET

hey! welcome to SK :)

another portuguese girl? GREAT!

2002-10-22 02:41:08 ET

Hi! Sorry I haven't kept in touch, had college probs. This is Ruthie and welcome to sk.net. ^_^

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