It's good to be busy..
2002-11-26 13:46:28 ET

Just got an email from manuel in belgium. The pre-trip plans seem to be going along beautifully. Now if only i can get the money to go..hmmmmm......

Otherwise, lots of things to keep me sane for the rest of the week.
*today: going to rock the gym w/xtina. Lots of oontz oontz and step incline machine.
*tomorrow: going to richmond for the Depeche Mode Tribute night/ Rick Danger birthday party. Going to see Jeniphir dj for the first time (should be interesting = P) and hang out with people i haven't seen in months.
*thursday: eat turkey with the family....most likely get into the usual argument we do every year. Take out my aggression on the dance floor at alchemy. Everyone will be there. I'm sooo excited.
*friday: leave for weekend of trouble. I believe we're stopping for QXT's on our way to new york. not sure yet.
*sat: shopping and interfarce in new york. bring on the whales!!!!!
*sun: come home and pass out.

what monday will bring i have no idea....most likely gym shenanigans and more job searching. for now, i'm just trying to survive the rest of this week. : )

2002-11-26 15:00:29 ET

oh no!!!!1
we need to rock the gym HARD today and tomorrow and friday? cause uh, thanksgiving is going to turn me into a whale.

2002-11-26 19:28:06 ET me....nothing can turn you into a whale!

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